Rotator with multi-purpose carriage

Orange Rotator with multi-purpose carriage on white background


On the Material Handling Rotator with multi-purpose carriage it is possible to fix and rotate different items, such as tools.

When tilting and rotating different items

On the Material Handling Rotator with multi-purpose carriage it is possible to fix and rotate different items, such as tools.

This model can be adapted to the requirements of the individual customer.


  • Height adjustment, rotation and transportation in the same unit
  • Easy to set degree of tilt and rotation speed
  • Precise and controlled acceleration/deceleration on rotation at start/stop
  • Tilting function is deactivated automatically, when rotating to neutral position
  • Remote control fortilting and lifting/lowering function


  • Low maintenance costs – no relays and wearing parts


  • Tilting function is deactivated when the rotation centre is more than 46,5″ or less than 27″ above the floor.

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